Define Facet Rough Gemstones
What are Facet Rough Gemstones?
It is commonly called as a kind of cutting over the surface of gemstones that consists of many flat areas. The flat areas on gemstones are known as facets. These flat surfaces on gemstones reflect light from the face of the gemstones. Faceting is a terminology used in the cutting of gems. It consists of four parts. The Crown is the first part of the gems that is the top surface of gemstones. The second part is the table of gemstones which acts as an aperture into the inside of gems. The third part is the girdle which is the outer layer of gems or the foundation of the gemstones. The fourth part is the pavilion which is the bottom of gem stones. The fifth part is called culet which is the base of gems. Culets are usually round and found in numerous styles that as the cut of gemstones. Four types of facet styles are as follows:
- Brilliant Cut
- Step Cut,
- Drop-Cut,
- Mixed Cut.
Brilliant Cut
It is triangular that is visible on the outer surface of gemstones.
Step Cut
Step cuts have rectangle cuts that move the crown of the gem upwards and move the pavilion downwards. It is the most known cut in gemstones. The step cut enhances the real color of gemstones and gives a glow.
Mix Cuts
It contains different cuts including brilliant and step cuts. They usually have facets on the pavilion and crown of gemstones.
Quality of facet rough gemstones
There are some of the characteristics that are kept in mind to determine the quality of facet rough gemstones.
- Color
- Shape
- Size
- Clarity
The color of gemstones plays a vital role in the selling of gemstones. Color captures the attention of buyers and 60% of gemstones depend on the color. The gems may appear in different colors in normal light, incandescent, and fluorescent light. The change of color occurs in gems due to refraction and deflection of light from the gemstones.
The standard shapes of faceting are usually in the form of a sphere or round in shape and chunky. The gems with deep pits and valleys neither are nor the desired form of shape in the case of rough facets. The buyers are sellers give priority to defined shapes in gemstones.
The rough facet dealers usually prefer one-carat stone or two-carat stone. On a commercial scale, the average is 20% of the yield. For example, if the stone dealers are selling rough facets in carat then it can be divided by 5 to determine the likely weight of the gems. It is different in the case of the grams scale is gauged by the number of grams in a carat, there are five grams in one carat,
The structure of gemstone clarity is another major factor in determining the value of gems. The gemstones have more clarity or are free from impurities and other flaws in the appearance of gems. The poor bleaching of stones can damage the physical appearance of gemstones. The dealers mostly avoid buying stones that are damaged or not refined while cutting gemstones.
Buyers of rough facet gemstones
Cutters of gemstones
Gemstone cutters buy rough facet stones to show their mastery in cutting gemstones.
Lapidary workers
The Lapidary artisan forms different products using facet gemstones. It includes numerous items cabochons, tumbled stones, carvings, and beads. They create motifs for sculptural pieces
Mineral and Crystal Collectors
Some people like to collect different kinds of gemstones and display these unique stones.
Gems Identification Professionals
The people who study geology and gemology are among the buyers of rough facet stones. They buy stones to learn about gems' different traits.
Gemstone Dealers
The gemstone dealers buy raw stones and sell them to artisans, jewelers, and shops.
Jewelry Makers
The people who make jewelry also buy rough stones to make different jewelry pieces.
Industrial stone buyers
The industrial buys rough stones for construction and in large-scale manufacturing of different products.
The most common types of rough facet gemstones have quartz varieties such as lemon quartz, amethyst rough, citrine, smoky citrine, raw sapphires, rough peridots, and natural and rough emeralds.